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Heartworm Awareness

Heartworm Awareness

Why Prevention is the Best Cure for Your Pet

Transmitted through mosquito bites, heartworm disease affects dogs and cats worldwide. In light of National Heartworm Awareness Month, please join us for a look at how this condition could impact your furry friend and what you can do to prevent it.

Mosquitos carry larvae that are transmitted through a mosquito bite to dogs and cats. The larvae develop into worms in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels over months to years. In dogs, the worms reproduce, creating large amounts of worms. In cats, a single adult worm can be deadly.

Early Signs

In the early stages of the disease, dogs often show few or no symptoms. But over time, you may notice the following:

  • Coughing
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Disinterest in exercise or play

Later on, the belly swells up due to excess fluid in the abdomen. Dogs with large heartworm infestations may develop sudden blockages inside their heart called caval syndrome, which results in a sudden onset of labored breathing, dark or bloody urine, or pale gums. The prognosis at this stage is grave.

Cats typically show one of two extremes — very subtle or very dramatic symptoms. Some cats have no outward signs of the disease, while other felines have asthma-like attacks, difficulty walking, seizures or fainting spells. Sometimes, the first sign of distress is sudden collapse or even death.

Since dogs typically go outside more often, they’re considered at greater risk for heartworms, but mosquitoes can easily enter homes through garages, porches, patio screens, etc. So watch out for your feline friends as well.

Prevention Methods

Annual heartworm testing for dogs is recommended and can be completed by an in-house blood test at Conyers Animal Hospital.     

Preventatives are VITAL in dogs and cats to prevent the disease from happening. Preventatives for dogs include monthly chewable tablets or a 12-month injectable. Prevention in cats is a monthly topical application.

Call us at (770) 483-1551 to schedule your pet’s exam and to further explore the best prevention methods for your furry friend.

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